Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weird Find in IE9 - phantom scripts

I had a problem in IE9 (!!shock!!)

Something weird would happen when loading a page using back, forward, or pressing enter in the URL Bar when the page is already loaded : my script wouldn't run.

It would load
It would be attached to the DOM
But it wouldn't run, and when I looked at the "script" in F12 tools, the script appeared to be blank.

I had "defer" on it, so I took that off. But no dice. I tried attaching to the head instead of the body (not that that should have made a difference). But no dice.

Then an idea struck me. The script which loads in the "missing" script isn't attached to the DOM when it runs. This was the only thing "unusual" left that could be the source of the problem. References to "window" and "document" were valid, since the "missing" script did show up in the DOM. But what else could it be??

"Loading" Script:

<script src="loader.js">
///1// removeFromDOM(searchDOMFor("script@src=loader.js"));
///2// var s = document.createElement("script");
///3// s.src = "missing.js";
///4// document.body.appendChild(s);

Above script "missing.js" won't run when it's loaded.
Remove line 1, and it runs.

Go figure~~

edit: To clarify, missing.js!! won't run if the loader.js!! element is removed from the DOM. The missing.js script element is on the DOM and is not removed.